A virus that outbroke from the Wuhan city of China reached Kerala in no time. The worry turned to turbulence in every Kerallite’s heart because a newspaper feature of a faraway country soon turned into a reality in their lives. Every school, colleges, shops, industries, offices and all economic sectors were worse affected as the government demanded a sudden lockdown to prevent the spreading of the disease. Everything came to a sudden halt. Velosit also had to prefer a temporary shutdown for the health and welfare of the employees. All the employees were granted work from home for an indefinite period. But, the velositianz did not allow the WFH period to go boring and unconnected.
Even though many distances apart, they could still attach to their workplaces through e-mails, skype calls, presentations, and advanced tools. It was felt as if at the office along with their colleagues throughout the whole day. To make the WFH days more lively many weekend activities were also conducted like the Creative weekend challenge, WFH photo challenge, Stay Home Stay Safe campaign, etc. The employees gave very active participation and slew it with their hidden talents. No one was more skilled or less skilled, everyone proved to be at their best at their level! In fact, the COVID lockdown seemed to be a stress reliever and also a golden opportunity to dig out many undiscovered talents of the employees.
One of their Facebook posts says:
“ We are not away from the office, we are still together at our workplace at distances apart. We might not be seeing much of each other. But we are still connected as the Velosit family. We assure your technology needs to be digitized through our robust & workable solutions!! ”